July suck, i hate 2020

Here i am thinking what can be worst than pandemic in 2020.
On July 23rd, my father Zamri bin Athan has gone from this world.
My dad was a healthy man, he is quite athletic all his life so when he was admitted due to heart attack, i almost can't believe it. Until i saw him myself.
On 18th i went to hospital after my brother told me bout the news, he was in ICU but he is completely awake.
We talked for around 30-40minutes before nurse came and chase me out. Little did i know,that was the last time i saw him awake.
He was transferred to normal ward next day and fine.
But on 20th he struck by second heart attack and doc put him on coma and sedated 4 dose of meds.
They told us to prepare for the worst as my dad's condition is gotten deteriorate.
I came to see him everyday, and his body getting colder each day. I knew i was gonna lose him but i tried to being positive all i can.
But Allah loves him more, on July 23rd around 1:00pm my beloved father passed away.
During the funeral process, i saw my stepmom came with little boy. Thats my baby brother. Just only 8months old, he lose his father..
Funeral process went well, eventhou there's slightly delay due to the transportation but he was buried later that night at Jasin, Melaka. His beloved hometown.

"Ayah, i knew we have been drifted apart all this years but i always remember you and love you with all my heart. I wish i could turn back the time and be a great child for you,how i wish i knew your suffering all this time, i wish i care more about you. But Ayah, let us meet again in another world. A world we will be free from all the pain, i am proud to be your daughter and rest well ayah" 
Zamri Bin Athan 1966-2020

If any of you as muslim happen to read this, please recite Al-Fatihah to my father.. thank you.

And its already magrib when i write this, so..
Happy birthday to me.
I don't think i ever wanted to celebrate forever.
Too painful. I am still crying until this days.
I wish i had someone who could comfort me instead of just asking me to be myself again. They don't understand this pain i bare..

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Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...