
This is the only place,
I can pour my heart out.
I thought i can be myself in my own home
But i was wrong.
He told me to cut if off.
Stop being sad and weak.
Start doing house chores and be like normal.
It was heartless you know.
But like usual, i just keep quiet.
I am too tired to argue again.
I am too hurt..
Did he realized i lose my only father?
Did he knew i was devastated because i am not able to seek for forgiveness?
Did he knew i never said i love you to my dad?
I guess he didn't. Because the one who died was not his dad.
Lucky you.
You're family is perfect.
While mine was like this.
I missed my dad. My mom. Myself
I wonder what happen on the other side when u die?
Ahh.. the suicidal thought..
I hate it. But i can't help it.
I only have my daughter and my mom as my reason to keep living..
But truth is, im dead inside.
I got no one except for my daughter.
She is the one who wipe my tears..

I am going to take my meds now.
My migraine is getting worse.

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Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...