If only

Watch short video about lie detector.
They tested a couple.
Found out he cheated on her. TWICE.
He did it because he THOUGHT she cheated first.
Fuckin scum. She never did even once.
The look in her eyes was breaking me.
She does loves him so much.

Not my story.
But i learned something in it.
in my own point of view.

My other half,
Seems to have very foul mouth recently.
He wasn't this before.
Especially during driving.
If he sees other car doing things that pissed him off,
he starting cursing, even when our daughter around.
I tried to talk to him about it,
And downgrading me by saying idk anything since I HAVE NO DRIVING LICENSE

Dear husband,
i dont have to carry a license to know basic knowledge.
i dont have to carry a license to correct my husband.
Dont underestimate me because i'm younger.
i'm basically matured than you in many ways.
But i guess you dont even bother to care.

5 Years into marriage.
7 Years knowing each other.
I'm very disappointing with everything.
Except for our daughter.
I really do feeling its too much for me to handle this life.


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Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...