
do you remember,
the first time you told me you loved me?
do you remember,
the feeling of being in love?
do you remember,
the feeling to protect me from harm?

because i dont remember anymore.

i am now a mother,
i am now a worker,
i am now a maid,
i am now a slave,

i dont feel like being in love,
i dont feel like been love by anyone,
i dont feel like being protected,

i feel lonely.

you like me when you want my body,
you like me when you want to lend money,
you like me when i listen and obey,
you like me whenever u feel to...

is that the definition of love till end of life?

i love you,
even now, even when you hurt me.
many times.
end of the day, i still forgiving you.
even when you forgot im the wife not husband,
even when you look down on me,
even when you scold and bring back bad memories,
even when everything goes against you,
it was me, who stays..

but im still far behind in your list.
its always someone else before me,
its always im at the fault one in every argument.

do i try to leave?
many times.
what did you do?
you start your tear drama, plot twist,
and at the end threating to kill yourself.
and saying goodbye stuff and last word for our child.
how can i rely on you?
if what u best is run from problem?

its been 6 years we've been together,
i think im gonna be crazy year by year with your attitude.

its either you.
or me.
that have to die in this battle.

this relationship has been toxic anyway.
i dont know trying to save it will make me die or suffer.

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Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...