it's 26th of MARCH, my dad's birthday.
but he's not here with us anymore.
have a great life dad. we love you, ALWAYS.
I'm stress out for a lot of things today.
one by one matter come near me.
baby, i knew you saw my tears today,
even i'm tried so hard to put it back inside
which it's a stupid act,
i'm not sad actually, i just being really angry and stress.
with all the problem, and you was fooling me around,
you know i want the movie so badly, and i was like begging you,
and you still keep playing around,
i hate it, but i couldn't say it out,
cause i'm avoiding any argument,
and i just love to keep it inside.
i knew i'm gonna hurt more, but i'm oke.
i'm used to. don't worry about me.
but please be serious when i'm serious.
i don't like that situation at all.
i don't like to hold my anger, and it ends with
those stupid water coming out from my eyes.
it'll show that i'm weak. which i'm NOT !
forget it, it's gonna heal itself.
oh, thanks to my friend MAT,
for buying me a headphone. i think it's cute,
cause i choose it for myself. hehe.
need to work work work for live.
fightingggg dilla !

p/s : only god know how much we miss our dad :(

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Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...