today still no sales.
but i got a great news.
my sweetheart SNOWBELL is giving birth to 3 SUPERcute kittens.
bila dia preggy ? i don't even know.hahaa
around 7 o'clock tadi my bro text me.
that time im still at lowyat, working lohh.
he said that my cat dah bersalin.
wtf? bila snow preggy pulak ?haha
i though he was playing around.
then my mum called and told the same thing.
balik balik je tengok dah ada 3 ekor kitten atas katil aku.
ye, my bed jadi labor room dia.
baby sulung is the white colour one,
he's a boy. and his name is SIMBA.
second baby is black colour, 
we didn't know the sex yet.
and the last one is grey colour.
also tak tau sex lagii.
here's some pic of them. poor snow.
muka dia menahan sakit and penat. 
first baby born around 7pm and 
last baby around 9pm.
bayangkan lamanya menahan sakit.
she still bleeding lagi..
her another baby ada kat bawak ketiak dia.
look closer oke. tak dapat pegang lagi,
so tak dpat nak snap pic kitten tuh.
sebak jugaklah tengok dia, 
bayangkan ibu kita pulak yang lahirkan kita ni..

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