my interview result just around the corner.
oh my! i'm damn nervous and don't want to talk about that.
haha. i know i couldn't make it.
i'm sure about it :(
thinking about it just make me more and more sad.
i don't know why some people just hate me cause 
i have some determination to study further,
they always said that i'm not qualified enough 
to be like them.
yeah, maybe they right.
i didn't get any U,
even POLY also.
wake up DILLA! there's no hope for you.
remember where you standing now.
stop daydream. haha!
oke! forget about it! hahaa :)
today is my sis graduation day.
i'm happy for her.
i'm didn't have the chance to be there cause kinda late for reservation.
i just drive her and her friends to the HOTEL.(i'm not the driver actually)
my sis are grown up. you go girl! ily !
she almost finish her high school.
i'm kinda jealous cause when i'm in her age,
my school didn't make any event like that.
damn ! poor school.
hey pembuli perasaan
try to stab me in any angle.
you won't never make me die.
cause i've die INSIDE already.
stop doing stupid stuff on me.

p/s: kamu menang, saya kalah. terima kasih kerana menghancurkan satu harapan :)

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Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...