today saya sangat sangat takde mood.
kenapa ? sebab boyfie saya texting dengan ex dia.
saya bukan jealous, tapi saya tak suka aka benci.
yelah, ex dia pernah maki caci saya macam macam,
then dia masih boleh reply text dia.
sangatlah tak adil. 
then ex dia story lah kat dia yang ex dia dah jumpa satu
mamat ni, muka dia ala ala boyfie saya jugak.
haha! bullshit lah wehh.
orang bodoh pun tahu apa maknanya tu,
she's can't forget you lah babo!
itu pun tak tau ? 
boyfie saya pulak dengan riang gembiranya story kat saya,
dia suruh saya janji jangan marah, ingatkan apa lah,
last last dia story pasal ini bitch.
it's a great story for you, but i'm not interesting.
awak kata kenapa saya jealous sangat dengan perempuan tu,
nak tahu kenapa ?
sebab saya benci dia. dia stranger, than tiba tiba sakitkan hati saya,
and caci maki saya macam macam.
is that reason strong enough to make me hate her ?
if awak tak marah after what she did to you, i don't care.
but dia pernah menyakitkan hati saya, so it's my right to hate her or not.
i really not interested to pick up your call or reply your text right now.
so don't waste your time on me.
focus on your study. i'm sorry for being honest here.
i just can't take it anymore.

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