i wanna you think deeply and clearly.
do he really worth to be with you?
if you guys still together, are you sure he can make you happy?
are you sure you both could be happy?
come on, love is not not always like fairytale.
he likes you, you likes him.
be together and happily ever after.
NO! thats sooo ridiculous and stupid to believe.
boy's heart is like a wind.
sometimes it flows to other place.
eventhough he said he loves you.
please don't believe it 100%.
beware of any possibility.
we just can't aspect anything when it comes to life and boys.
i know the same feelings like yours.
yeah, hurt a lot rite?
and the hardest part is when seeing the boy you love,
love someone else.
and the girl seems in love with him too.
that's mine heartbroke before.
and girl, u should move on and enjoy your life.
you still young and i'm 1001% sure there's hundreds boys out there 
are chasing you.
he didn't deserve you.
and always remember you'r not deserve to be hurt by a jerk boy.
heartbreak can heal and let the time do it jobs.
you will forget him soon.
be strong and be happy.

p/s: when i'm in your shoes before, nobody talk to me like this and hard to recover when no one really support. but i hope can help you little bit.

1 comment:

  1. for a such sweet lady Dilla ,

    he made me happy once , hurt me twice . so i knew he didnt worth any now . now im sure that we could not be happy together .
    yeah it does hurts . a zilion lot .
    but for me , idm if he loves someone else , and the girl was into him too . it is worst for me if he himself didnt be honest with his heart . until he could lied and be dishonest with me . then he would hurt me as he want to .
    i am move on and kindof enjoying my life . i am accepting the fact that we arent for each other . but its not that im not good enough for him but he is . he didnt deserve me . he's just wasting my love that i gave . i'w absolutely can get over him .

    Dilla , lots of thanks for all this advice and support . you've help me tho . me myself hoping that you will happy with your guy right now . and if you got into this situation again , please , let me givin a helping hand and support to you .
    for 150++ million times ,



Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...