in this few days,
i see many girl's heart break.
all because of some jerk boys that didn't deserve their heart.
they just break their heart like that,
trust me, i know the feeling.
hurt a lot. its break into a million pieces.
i used to be like them before.
i've heartbreak not for days but months,
everyday i tried many ways to forget him,
in every part. but the memory just can't go.
its like my shadow, follows me where ever i go.
make me feels more down with everything.
and u know what make me feel very hurt?
seeing the one i love, love someone else.
yeah! its happen to me..
i swear to GOD, im not lying.
it's killing me days and days. only GOD knows how it feels.
but everyday i tried to be stronger girl,
this tears are precious, do not waste it for some boys that never know meaning of love.
they just blind and stupid.
blind enough to see the real love.
luckily i have family and few true friends that always support me.
without them, i'm not here today.
behind every sadness will be happiness,
and everything happens for a reason.
if one door close for you, there's come hundred doors will open for you.
believe in faith girl.
GOD always with you. thats why GOD sent 2 angels to be with you forever.
smile cause someone in this world still love you.

my siblings are the best in the world !! love u.

1 comment:

  1. dilla (:
    kindof touched here
    youre lucky to have a great family
    im so jealous :D



Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...