Today is SUJU day!
haha, why am i say that??
dari aku bangun tido, aku asyik tengok MV dowang.
tapi sumpah aku suke MV DON'T DON,
kibum tersangatlah macho dalam tuh.
and henry smart giler maen violin sambil menari.
they just awesome!! wish can dance like them.
SORRY SORRY dance suda 50% aku kuasai,
yess! haha..
aku bukan nak masuk ape2 pertandingan pun.
just for fun and it's kinda exercise for me.
yela, duk terperuk kat uma lame2, lemak pon bole bertambah.
haha :)
3rd day puase ni okelaa.
tade masalah pun.
semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam.

1 comment:

  1. best sgt kerr....nk try tgok la..tgok u dance! hehe!

    visit me: Nasri



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