hai, hari ini aku rasa macam taknak post pasal illuminate semua.
mungkin sebab kehabisan idea? TIDAK.
just aku sengaja selang selikan dengan aktiviti aku.
lately memang aku susah sangat nak tidur,
aku pernah 24jam tak tidur then tidur just for few hours je.
i don't know what exactly happen to me but this is scary.
aku ada penyakit insomnia ke hah?
nak pergi buat checkup, malas la pulak.
but i pray to god benda ni temporary aje.
i really need sleep sometime but i can't sleep eventhough after
i close my eyes for hours. damn it..

life like usual, nothing interesting happen.
bila lah nak beli baju raya ni mama?
rambut pun tak repair lagi ni..
macam mane nak raya? :(
setakat ni jumlah aku skip puasa adalah 0.
big clap for myself ! yeay..

hey man,
i'm not the girl that u waiting for
or u dream of.
u just got the wrong girl.
i'm not what u think i am.
forget me.
stay away cause what u do,
is hurting me too.
there's a reason why i'm
doing this, and only me and god
knew it..
sorry and please go..

1 comment:

  1. fadhielah komen:
    abg tuwh erk?owh
    gi bwk jumpe doktor klu sakit sgt



Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...