R A N T at the middle of the night

I am introvert person.
Lots of people are surprise when I said that.
Mostly because I used to work in retail line.
But i really am.
I rather doing things alone.

I like living in my tiny house with my tiny family.
Just ourself.
Doing whatever we want without anyone’s to judge.
And then my in laws came.
Every week.
It’s not that I don’t like them.
I just feel like not comfortable.

My husband is a type of person who love homedeco.
But.. he will never do everything at once.
It took a week or two to complete so it’s always messy here and there.
And I have hair fall problem, mind you I vacuum every morning, but by night time it’s a lot again.
And my eyesight is worst, I don’t wear glasses all the time so most of the time I can’t see clearly.
And I live in condominium so vacuuming at night is a no no.

His parents love to visit at night.
She will observed.
And when she caught me alone (sometime she just go in my room)
She will tell me this and that.
Or sometimes just sarcasm me during video call with my kid.
It’s stressing me out.

I have depression and anxiety.
So I always feel tired and lay down.
But I still doing house chores.
Is it wrong to lay down in my own house?
Isn’t better to lay down than cut myself right?

I am lucky because my husband is okay with me doing minimal chores. Just I’m not allowed actually doing laundry because last time I’m kinda broke the pipe.
But why other people jealous?

I am technically work too.
I owned my small business.
Doing handmade craft, taking care of my kid,
Make sure she attend her virtual class,
Make sure she got food to eat,
Teach her if she didn’t understand things,
So I’m feeling tired too.

Am I not deserve break like others?

I am human too.
A fragile one.

If my husband end up read this,
I’m sorry.
It just that you never take my word seriously.
And I had no friends to talk to.
Forgive me to rant in here.

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Hello. It's February huh? i wont say it's fast or slow cause i felt my time kinda freeze. The only thing that makes me realize that ...